For the last two years we have publicly reported the turnaround times for collision report and related evidence requests from the police on a quarterly basis. As the UK’s largest requestor of this type of information from the police we are in a unique position of being able to report on how fast each force returns information.
Over this period of reporting we have been able to provide useful insights into which forces might be experiencing delays or seeing spikes in volume, and ultimately a full breakdown of each force’s average turnaround. This has given insurers a strong indication as to when they will receive the information they have requested, based on which force is dealing with the incident and how long ago the incident took place.
Going forward we will no longer be reporting on and making this data publicly available on our website, and will instead be sharing the report and data with our Rapid Police Report (RPR) clients directly. We will also be working hard to show real time stats within the platform and expectations at point of order, in forthcoming platform updates.
We will continue to work with insurers and the police alike to make sure that requests can be processed in a timely manner.
Past reports on turnaround times and the individual force data are still available through the blog area of our website and these articles will remain online.
If you are interested in using the platform to quickly and easily order reports and other evidence from the police, then please contact us via