At NetWatch we want to minimize our resource use and improve our performance against the waste hierarchy, which gives priority to preventing waste in the first place and places disposal (i.e. landfill) at the bottom, encouraging reuse or recycling ahead of this. NetWatch offers guidance to staff when they are considering whether a purchase is necessary, as part of our Responsible Purchasing Guidance in the E&S Handbook, and whether alternatives can be used instead. When purchases are necessary, the Handbook also sets out guidance on what sources to prioritize (such FSC for paper products).
At our Alpha Tower office, we have separate in-office bins for recycling and general waste, and there are on-site bins breaking this down further into dry mixed recyclables, paper and carboard, organic food waste and mixed municipal waste. NetWatch encourages all staff to observe the specific bins provided, and Alpha Tower overall has a 50% recycling rate, with a goal of achieving a 65% recycling rate.
NetWatch uses a paperless system, introduced in 2019, which has eliminated a vast amount of our paper usage. However, there are still some services for which clients require paper copies be provided and for these we are committed to working with our clients and suppliers to further reduce our paper usage. NetWatch is also committed to reducing the presence of single-use plastics in our office environment, through our Responsible Purchasing Guidance.
Our progress on these aspects will be measured by tonnes of waste to landfill per annum, percentage of waste recycled, water consumption by m2 and Embodied Carbon emissions per annum.